Had been setting up the DS18B20 on the ESP32 using the standard Miles Burton DallasTemperature Library but found that it always showed the same 9 bit resolution regardless of the 'sensors.setResolution(12); ' instruction.
Went back to the Uno using the same 'Simple' library code Example and found that the sensors.setResolution instruction worked properly and readily changed from 9 to 12 bits.
Repeated the exercise with the sensor powered from the Unos 3v3 pin and again all worked well.
Again repeated the same code on the ESP32 using 3 different pins, eg 16,32,33 but each time they only show 9 bit resolution.
Some old comments about such problems on the web, suggesting changing to lower value pull up resistors, but no change even down to 2k2.
Tried both old and brand new DS18B20 sensors but no change.
Does anyone know if this can be overcome ? or if any other DS18B20 libraries work ok on the ESP32 ?
Had been setting up the DS18B20 on the ESP32 using the standard Miles Burton DallasTemperature Library but found that it always showed the same 9 bit resolution regardless of the 'sensors.setResolution(12); ' instruction.
Went back to the Uno using the same 'Simple' library code Example and found that the sensors.setResolution instruction worked properly and readily changed from 9 to 12 bits.
Repeated the exercise with the sensor powered from the Unos 3v3 pin and again all worked well.
Again repeated the same code on the ESP32 using 3 different pins, eg 16,32,33 but each time they only show 9 bit resolution.
Some old comments about such problems on the web, suggesting changing to lower value pull up resistors, but no change even down to 2k2.
Tried both old and brand new DS18B20 sensors but no change.
Does anyone know if this can be overcome ? or if any other DS18B20 libraries work ok on the ESP32 ?