Error - could not find definition of symbol 'SPBRG'

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how to send transter some byte from hyperterminal to PIC

as a part of the interrupt test i need to send some bytes of data by using the serial port. the data should resend me back. can i use Hyperterminal? if yes how?
It looks like UARTInC.h is a copy of p18f4620.h.

Why did you do that?

Are you using MPLAB? Which programmer?

If you are using MPLAB with either ICD2 or PICkit2 as a programmer there are erase and blank check buttons/icons.

The PICkit2 interface has them too.
sorry i have copied the wrong one. here it is

#ifndef _UARTIntC_H
#define	_UARTIntC_H

#include "UARTIntC.def"

/* Constants found in .def file are given readable names*/

  #define TXON 1
  #define TXON 0

  #define RXON 1
  #define RXON 0

#define TXON_AND_RXON ((TXON) & (RXON))
#define	TXOFF_AND_RXON ((!(TXON)) & (RXON))

// User can change the following values and accordingly
// the ISR location in the main application.
//   Can they be MPAM module parameters?		
#define BRGH_VAL 1
#define	TX_PRIORITY_ON	0
#define	RX_PRIORITY_ON	0

// More error check to be done and the following
// code can be modified.
// If SPBRG is out of range, it won't let the 
// main application be compiled and linked.
#define SPBRG_V2  SPBRG_V1/16
#define SPBRG_VAL  (SPBRG_V2 - 1)
# if (SPBRG_VAL > 255)
  #error Calculated SPBRG value is out of range
#elif (SPBRG_VAL < 10)
  #error Calculated SPBRG value is out of range

struct status
	unsigned UARTIntTxBufferFull  :1;
	unsigned UARTIntTxBufferEmpty :1;
	unsigned UARTIntRxBufferFull  :1;
	unsigned UARTIntRxBufferEmpty :1;
	unsigned UARTIntRxOverFlow :1;
	unsigned UARTIntRxError:1;				

extern struct status vUARTIntStatus;

//  variables representing status of transmission buffer and 
//  transmission buffer it self are declared below

#if TXON
extern unsigned char vUARTIntTxBuffer[TX_BUFFER_SIZE];
extern unsigned char vUARTIntTxBufDataCnt;
extern unsigned char vUARTIntTxBufWrPtr;
extern unsigned char vUARTIntTxBufRdPtr;

// variables referring the status of receive buffer.

#if	RXON
extern unsigned char vUARTIntRxBuffer[RX_BUFFER_SIZE];
extern unsigned char vUARTIntRxBufDataCnt;
extern unsigned char vUARTIntRxBufWrPtr;
extern unsigned char vUARTIntRxBufRdPtr;

//  functions offered by this module
#if	RXON
// function returns a character from receive buffer
unsigned char UARTIntGetChar(unsigned char*);

// function returns the number of characters in receive buffer
unsigned char UARTIntGetRxBufferDataSize(void);


#if	TXON
// function to put a character in Transmit buffer
unsigned char UARTIntPutChar(unsigned char);

// function returns size of the empty section of Transmit buffer
unsigned char UARTIntGetTxBufferEmptySpace(void);

// Initialisation of the module
void UARTIntInit(void);
// Interrupt service routine supplied by the module.This need to be 
// called from ISR of the main program.
void UARTIntISR(void);

// Other useful macros

#define mDisableUARTTxInt()				PIE1bits.TXIE = 0
#define mEnableUARTTxInt()				PIE1bits.TXIE = 1

#define mDisableUARTRxInt() 			PIE1bits.RCIE = 0
#define mEnableUARTRxInt()  			PIE1bits.RCIE = 1

#define mSetUARTRxIntHighPrior() \
										RCONbits.IPEN = 1;\
										IPR1bits.RCIP = 1										
#define mSetUARTRxIntLowPrior() 		IPR1bits.RCIP = 0	

#define mSetUARTTxIntHighPrior()\
										RCONbits.IPEN = 1;\
										IPR1bits.TXIP = 1
#define mSetUARTTxIntLowPrior()			IPR1bits.TXIP = 0

#define mSetUART_BRGHHigh()				TXSTAbits.BRGH = 1
#define mSetUART_BRGHLow()				TXSTAbits.BRGH = 0

#define mSetUART_SPBRG(iBRGValue)\
										RCSTAbits.SPEN = 0;\
										SPBRG = iBRGValue;\
										RCSTAbits.SPEN = 1																	

#define mSetUARTBaud(iBaudRate)\
			#define SPBRG_V21  SPBRG_V11/16\
			#define SPBRG_VAL  (SPBRG_V21 - 1)\
			#if (SPBRG_VAL > 255)\
			  #error Calculated SPBRG value is out of range\
			#elif (SPBRG_VAL < 10)\
			  #error Calculated SPBRG value is out of range\
			RCSTAbits.SPEN = 0;\
			SPBRG = iBaudRate;\
			RCSTAbits.SPEN = 1;\
That makes more sense.

SPBRG is used in UARTIntC.h so you have to include 18F4620.h first to pick up the definition of SPBRG.

Order is important.

Have you erased the chip?
Yes, i erase the PIC.

please have look on the code i used as main.c file.

How can send data fron pc to mic-Con?

#include "UARTIntC.h"
#include "delays.h"

#include <p18f4620.h>

void low_isr(void);

// serial interrupt taken as low priority interrupt
#pragma code uart_int_service = 0x08
void uart_int_service(void)
	_asm	goto low_isr	_endasm
#pragma code

#pragma	interruptlow low_isr save=section(".tmpdata")
void low_isr(void)
	// call of library module function, MUST

void main(void)
	// Test data array
	unsigned char cArray[10]
	   = { 'A','B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G','H','I' , 'J'};
	// temporary local array	   
	unsigned char writtenArray[10];
	// local variables for all test cases and their initialisation
	unsigned char chData;
	unsigned char *pReadArray;
	unsigned char *pWriteArray;
	unsigned char j = 0;
	unsigned char i  = 0;
	unsigned char l = 0;
	unsigned char k = 0;			
	pReadArray = pWriteArray = writtenArray;	

	// call of library module , MUST

//	TEST 
// 	Chunk of data is sent from PC to micro. Data received at micro is
//	read in to temporary buffer. The data is sent back to PC. Here 
//  reception and transmission is done independently.
		l = 0;
		l = UARTIntGetRxBufferDataSize();	
		while(l > 0)
				l--; pReadArray++;
				if(pReadArray == (writtenArray + 10))
					pReadArray = writtenArray;
	if((pWriteArray < pReadArray) || ((pWriteArray - pReadArray) == 9 ))
	    		i--; pWriteArray++;
 			    if(pWriteArray == (writtenArray + 10))				  			
					pWriteArray = writtenArray;		
SPBRG only appears to be used in a #define (in the .h) and shouldn't have thrown an error. Or, did I miss something?

Pommie said:
SPBRG only appears to be used in a #define (in the .h) and shouldn't have thrown an error. Or, did I miss something?

It was used in UARTIntC.h.

He included UARTIntC.h prior to including p18f4620.h so SPBRG was undefined in UARTIntC.h . He needed to include p18f4620.h first.

I have run so do not have time to answer the new question.
3v0 said:
It was used in UARTIntC.h.

He included UARTIntC.h prior to including p18f4620.h so SPBRG was undefined in UARTIntC.h . He needed to include p18f4620.h first.

I have run so do not have time to answer the new question.

You missed the point. SPBRG is only used in a #define and therefore is not evaluated in the .h file.

If I do,
#define crap nonsense
then it will compile fine unless I use crap.

As to the original error, I have no idea. I just don't understand this solution.


I did and you are right. But we have yet to see UARTIntC.def which is included in UARTIntC.h. Could be that he uses SPBRG in it.
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