electronics power switch(i need help)

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New Member
Hello guys, its my first time to post here! Now I need help with my project which is called an "electronics power switch", now the materials needed are an optocoupler and a field effect transistor(IRF350 and up probably). Now what we are going to do is to interconnect the optocoupler and the fet, its function is a switch later on we will connect it to an ac motor, can you help me guys? I need the connection of the two major components, anyone can share their knowledge? please help! Its our project and I badly need help.
Learn about optocouplers and field-effect transistors. Then if you have specific questions about how they work, someone will help you.

Basically you just need to bias the opto coupler with the proper voltages and currents to supply the required voltage to the FET to turn it on and off. Those are available in the device's data sheets.
Yeah, I will try it. You have any ideas about my project? Any advise? How bout helping me out by giving me schematic diagrams.
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