Electronics advice for new product development

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Hi, I'm looking for help and information relating to vehicles electronics.

What minimum volt/amp/freq could be injected into a cars body to interfere/reset an ecu.

I know a lightning strike would disable the vehicle but I'm looking for the minimum.

I'm about to start testing but just putting the question out there.


The car-s body is connected to the car's ground (common) so injecting a voltage into the steel frame (body) will simply cause the 12v positive battery terminal to float to x-thousand volts + 12. Also, as you get to high frequencies, you'll need to account for the impedance of the steel's conductive route to the ECU. An answer to your question can not be simply calculated/quoted without much more information.

Is your goal to disable a vehicle? If it was easy, it would have been done - not an original idea. If you are after a different goal, let us know.
Even a lighting strike may have no effect, or no permanent effect anyway..

The vehicle bodyshell acts as a faraday cage around the electrical system.
Hi, I'm looking for help and information relating to vehicles electronics.

What minimum volt/amp/freq could be injected into a cars body to interfere/reset an ecu.

I know a lightning strike would disable the vehicle but I'm looking for the minimum.

Would it? - a car is a Faraday cage.
I've worked on few cars that had been struck by lighting. Each time the car ended up getting scrapped in the end, Many modules would either be dead or full of faults.

The engine controls survived on at least one I know for sure so I'm not sure if it actually shut the vehicle down while running.
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