Electronic Thermometer

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As I understand the OP, he wants to measure the room temperature.!!

IMO if he measures to the nearest 1Cdeg it will not be a problem.
Thanks for everybody's attention.
It's just for my study purpose. I'll be creating different temperature conditions in a closed container. I want a seven segment one because I've to use it in the dark. .1C or resolution is better because it'll always give an accuracy of .5C at least. 1C resolution can vary the accuracy in degrees, right?
I think the requirement is clear by now. So how to design the system according to that?

hi Dr,
I understood from the Chat line it was your room tempr.

Use the ICL7107 as per the circuit posted.
Hi Eric, yes but my initial thought was to start from a room temperature meter so that later I could modify it according to my needs but at the same time keeping the resolution at .1C. Later I like to to widen the range below 0C. I haven't done much projects in electronics.
Cryogenics is my subject of study.

The ICL7107 will do the job for the 'box' tempr project.

Look at the LM135 as the sensor, its in Kelvin.
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