ELB-iSCADA8m remote access

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New Member
Hello all, I am using ELB-iSCADA8m powered with Android pie basically we need to find a way to access the device remotely ssh is not working as the ssh executable is not present on the target device is there any other way to access the device remotely using other executable other than ssh.


SCADA devices might also use a http:// or https:// interface (such as web page). also realize any network accessible interfaces will likely be on wired ethernet only, not on the wifi interface. i'm not familiar with android pie, but since it is android, you should be able to install SSHD on the controller using any of the standard methods used by android. after you have sshd installed and configured you should be able to log in and do what you need to do... the other thing is, like i said above, try to see if the device has port 80 or port 8080 open... if so it has a web page for interfacing with it.
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