Electric Rain
New Member
Like you can tell from my subject, I don't know if this is either a good idea, or if I don't know what I'm talking about. :lol: It's an idea for "endless" power. Say I have two motors, both linked together by their terminals and with a belt on their shafts. Could I jump start one of them, which would turn the other one, making it generate power through it's terminals, going to the other motor to make it keep spinning after the jump start and therefore just keeping them both spinning with no power, then take power from them to power something else? I can explain further if anyone doesn't get it, I'll even make a diagram. But if you do get it, could someone tell me what I didn't think through? It seems like it would work, but SOMEthing must be wrong. :cry: And um... go easy on me if that was just a complete waste of space in these forums please... So would it work even if it were a very small amount of power I could draw? Thanks a lot.