I've recently started a class in embedded systems, and was thinking about either getting or building an EEPROM Programing unit. I hope that someone can point me to either a good Prom burner to buy or a set of schematics and some Code that I can comile and run. Are most EEPROMS the same, just latch in an address present the data and a WR#? The only thing that I'd have to worry about would be the pinouts to my specific parts (CAT28C64). Well thanks all
I've recently started a class in embedded systems, and was thinking about either getting or building an EEPROM Programing unit. I hope that someone can point me to either a good Prom burner to buy or a set of schematics and some Code that I can comile and run. Are most EEPROMS the same, just latch in an address present the data and a WR#? The only thing that I'd have to worry about would be the pinouts to my specific parts (CAT28C64). Well thanks all