I'm trying to edit the flash memory in a pic16F18854 - flash goes from zero to 0fff (4k). I've reserved the last 1k (0c00-0fff) by setting the memory model (in linker) to exclude the area,
I've also told pickit4 to preserve this area by doing,
I can change location 0c00 but there is no way to write it to the device.
I can read the device memory but if I then try to edit the flash it tells me,
I have done multiple "Debug Builds" to no avail.
Am I missing something? Does anyone know how to do this?
Anyone wondering the project is called read_vdd.
I've also told pickit4 to preserve this area by doing,
I can change location 0c00 but there is no way to write it to the device.
I can read the device memory but if I then try to edit the flash it tells me,
I have done multiple "Debug Builds" to no avail.
Am I missing something? Does anyone know how to do this?
Anyone wondering the project is called read_vdd.