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Easy to Complicated

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To be honest I have noticed that pattern in my old technical manuals and engineering books I collect when comparing them to the modern day ones that cover the same subject matter and problems.

The old school stuff presents a theory and concept as your first line shows and the latest and greatest books on the same old subjects presented as the last line while proclaiming that the field of whatever being discussed is only for those -who are smarter' than everyone else- like the authors think they are.

Same end answers for the same exact real world scenario problems but one presents it in a way the average person could easily relate to and understand the whole of the topic and the other makes it so hard they often screw up on their own end results and beliefs of how something actually does work. :(

To me, the person who can accurately distill the last line of your example down into the first line and have the average person off the street automatically know what they are talking about all the way through is the smarter peron, period. ;)
To me, the person who can accurately distill the last line of your example down into the first line and have the average person off the street automatically know what they are talking about all the way through is the smarter peron, period. ;)

Hmmmm, last line "=3", first line "1+2" - I'm a genius 1+2=3.

Or, did you mean the line above the last line. Then I'm lost.

Hmmmm, last line "=3", first line "1+2" - I'm a genius 1+2=3.

Or, did you mean the line above the last line. Then I'm lost.


If you can't figure out the overall implied context.... well, where do you think you stand? o_O
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