dspic asm sample codes

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New Member
i found dspic33fj256gp710 sample codes in assembly,from microchip,
hope will be useful ,turn on led ,with 5 sec delay


        .equ __33FJ256GP710, 1
        .include "p33FJ256GP710.inc"

;Configuration bits: We will use the MPLAB menu to configure the bits

;Program Specific Constants (literals used in code)

        .equ SAMPLES, 64         ;Number of samples

;Global Declarations:

        .global _wreg_init       ;Provide global scope to _wreg_init routine
                                 ;In order to call this routine from a C file,
                                 ;place "wreg_init" in an "extern" declaration
                                 ;in the C file.

        .global __reset          ;The label for the first line of code. 

        .global __T1Interrupt    ;Declare Timer 1 ISR name global

;Constants stored in Program space

        .section .myconstbuffer, code
        .palign 2                ;Align next word stored in Program space to an
                                 ;address that is a multiple of 2
        .hword   0x0002, 0x0003, 0x0005, 0x000A

;Uninitialized variables in X-space in data memory

         .section .xbss, bss, xmemory
x_input: .space 2*SAMPLES        ;Allocating space (in bytes) to variable.

;Uninitialized variables in Y-space in data memory

          .section .ybss, bss, ymemory
y_input:  .space 2*SAMPLES

;Uninitialized variables in Near data memory (Lower 8Kb of RAM)

          .section .nbss, bss, near
var1:     .space 2               ;Example of allocating 1 word of space for
                                 ;variable "var1".

;Code Section in Program Memory

.text                             ;Start of Code section
; First initialize the stack pointer and the Stack pointer limit
        MOV #__SP_init, W15       ;Initalize the Stack Pointer
        MOV #__SPLIM_init, W0     ;Initialize the Stack Pointer Limit Register
        MOV W0, SPLIM
        NOP                       ;Add NOP to follow SPLIM initialization
;Next write code to setup the FRC clock to be divided by 256
;7.37 Mhz is thus reduced to 14.3Khz or Tcy = 70 us.  
		bset	CLKDIV,#10
		bset	CLKDIV,#9
		bset 	CLKDIV,#8

;Next we set PORT A to be a output port
		bclr		TRISA,#0
; Then light up the LED connected to PORTA bit 0

		bset 	PORTA,#0
; Add the delay for 0.5 seconds
		repeat 	#7142
		bclr 	PORTA,#0
		repeat	#7142
		bra		Again

; Add code to turn off the LED connected to PORTA bit 0

; Copy code written above to delay for 0.5 seconds

; write code to Repeat Loop

        BRA     done              ;Place holder for last line of executed code

;Timer 1 Interrupt Service Routine
;Example context save/restore in the ISR performed using PUSH.D/POP.D
;instruction. The instruction pushes two words W4 and W5 on to the stack on
;entry into ISR and pops the two words back into W4 and W5 on exit from the ISR

        PUSH.D W4                  ;Save context using double-word PUSH

        ;<<insert more user code here>>

        BCLR IFS0, #T1IF           ;Clear the Timer1 Interrupt flag Status

        POP.D W4                   ;Retrieve context POP-ping from Stack
        RETFIE                     ;Return from Interrupt Service routine

;--------End of All Code Sections ---------------------------------------------

.end                               ;End of program code in this file
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Hi poppy2008, where did you find this example code? I'm getting started with the dsPIC33FJ256GP710 and i need template files in ASM because i dont have a C compiler. All template i've found in Micrchip page are written in C language.

Can you help me?

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