Displaying a number from 0-999

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New Member
Okay I have used a 671 to get a count that will vary from 0 to a bit under 999 max. Now I want to display this number on 3 7-segment displays. I know how to do the look-up table for a number from 0 to 9, but I'm not sure on how to go from there. How do I take the number from the 671, send it to the f84, and then split it up into ones and tens and hundreds to display in Assembly?

For a start, what's a 671?

If the number is binary (10 bit for 999), you need to first convert it to decimal digits, then display it.
Eric926 said:
I'm not sure how to go to decimal in assembly though.

Look in my tutorials, the LCD ones include a routine (which I got off the PICList) to convert a 16 bit number to decimal.

There are various similar routines on the PICList, it should be your first stop for all things PIC 8)
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