digital filter design

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I want to learn how to design digital filter in digital signal processing first analog signal like voice signal converted by A/D converter by sampling the signal then digital processor take these sample and perform mathematical function of the value to generate desired filter response what basic things should I know before going to design FIR filter
Questions as yours are better served by a simple search, for starters, in the Web. A forum, in practice is much better when your questions are about more specific points.

In the time you spent to type the OP, a search thorugh Google could have give thousands of valid results.
Lets see, Jidan wants to learn how to design digital filters before learning how to punctuate a sentence?


What is your math background looking like, did you have any algebra or calculus?

Probably as a minimum you would have to know some algebra. For the more advanced topics calculus, but you could probably get pretty far if you know algebra pretty well.
first thanks to all for your favorable response and sorry for late reply I don't want that anyone explain whole process how to design filter I am asking only about hint what should i read what specification should I know before to design
i know little bit about algebra and calculus
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