Digital current measurement

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New Member

Just to introduce myself, I'm into digital electronics, but I'm not that good at analog electronics.

I'm working with a small project of mine, which will be remote controlled power-outlets. The outlets will be controlled over FM with a nice "digital signal to radio" module, connected to a PIC16f84 processor.

I will use a triac to do the voltage-controlling. The PIC will send the trigger-signals by searching for the 0v in AC, and timing from there.

I am also planning to have a temperature-sensor, so I can monitor the temperatures around in the house. Maybe the outlets will power a heating oven? Who knows.

Now over to the question: I would like to be able to measure how much current that flows through the controlled outlet..

Measuring voltages is done by using a multiplexer and different resistor-values, as far as I know. But I'm not sure about current.

I suspect that you are supposed to put a 1 Ohm resistor in serial with one wire, and then measure the voltage over the resistor, but this is just a vague theory, and I have NO idea of how I would know how to calculate this, or know what resistors I need in the multiplexer..

Am I on deep water here? It might be a bit harder to measure AC-current?

Or is there a premade chip/module that do the measuring for me, and delivers current-data digitally?

Any help is appreciated!
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