Digital audio demodulation...

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Well-Known Member
Years ago, two-way radio communications were mostly FM/PM. Now, law enforcement, fire, ambulances... have digital radios.

What is or are the current modulation modes ? I have a very sophisticated receiver but only for AM/FM and would like to know if there is a way to tap its circuitry to monitor public service transmissions (as scanners do) by building a proper demodulator. What would such demodulator would be like ?
Not sure about the Us, however in the uk the police use tetra, decoding this isnt as easy as that as I'm fairly sure it frequency hops, you need to find out what encryption the transmissions use you want to decode, a encrypted demod would probably need to be at if level.
You can get various decoders for sdr#, if you have a pc or laptop at the rx.
Can you translate 'sdr#' ?
Is it like a piece of software running in a PC with digital? audio? into its 'audio-in jack' and yielding properly demodulated digital audio out ?
Would such decoders exist for my linux machine ? Wouldn't the receiver signal be better tapped at IF stage ?
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