Demo limit!! help!!

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New Member
Hey guys,

Is there a way to get the Free compiler out there, My MicroC v8.2.0.0 shows Demo limit message when i build.....

Is there any free compiler of MicroC v8.2.0.0 out there.....

Please help,

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thanks for reply.

i am using 16f877a microcontroller. So i already familiar with this microC V8.2.0.0 compiler. therefore i wish to download the full version.

Any one know where can get the full version for free?
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If you want the full version then BUY IT - don't steal it, these forums aren't for asking for stolen property.
Or the free source boost compiler. An excellent free compiler.

You can do some pretty sophisticated projects within the 2k ROM demo limit on the Mikro C compiler!

Generally the "demo limit" error is caused by people printing lots of text strings to LCD using Lcd_Out("blah blah") etc where the strings are stored in RAM and soon reaches the demo limit for RAM.
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