DC Power Supply circuit - additional strange parts

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Well no, it's just ONE more simulation, but it must be done right. I figured since you already had it set up in a simulator that you could do it faster than i could, but if you rather not then maybe i'll set it up and show how it works with resistive load as i can see you cant find your way well enough to change one capacitor to one resistor to simulate it with the resistor instead.
I'll see if i can get it going today sometime and get back here with some results, although i already know it will work at least to some extent. So i wont try to 'force' you to test with the resistor, no problem.

A friend of mine discovered a new IDE for the Arduino that works with Android tables so i was hoping to work on that today. But on the other hand this little transistor circuit wont take that long to set up i guess.
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