DC motor position control (not speed/direction)

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DC motor control

now you want is to control speed what , why dont you use L293 chip . go google it up , it is cheap and used PWM to control it , but the chip has to fit your motor's current specification . There are 2 versions chip , one is for the higher current and another one is for the lower. Using L293B to control my motor which runs in high current . Direction I think if you need that feature then you need to send pulse so that it can move at a certain angle . but the angle will not be accurate unlike servo motor

hope this helps
pirate civictypeR
Hey guys....it's my first reply in this sit.....as a comment on this topic I have a question,
I have a project...can I use H-bridge (l298N) with pic 18f4550, for controlling the position of a dc motor....the position and using pwm ...all I have seen is a speed control
can the h bridge+pwm be used for posistion control

many thanks
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