dc motor control using pic16f877a

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#include <pic.h>
#include <htc.h>

__CONFIG (0x3FFB);
//__CONFIG (0x120A);

#define _XTAL_FREQ 20000000

#define REEL_IN 0b00000001;
#define REEL_OUT 0b00000010;

int count = 0;

void delay_s(int k){
for (int i = 0;i<=k*100 ;i++){

void interrupt isr(void){
INTF = 0;

void main(){

TRISA = 0;
TRISB = 1;
TRISC = 0;
TRISD = 0;

PORTA = 0;
PORTB = 0;
PORTC = 0;
PORTD = 0;

ADCON1 = 6;
ADCON0 = 7;

GIE = 1;
RBIE = 1;
INTE = 1;



case 0:break;
case 1ORTC = REEL_IN; break;
case 2ORTC = REEL_OUT;delay_s(2);count = 1;break;


Hello everyone.. i'm a newbie here...
im doing a project where controlling a dc motor. My motor will turn infinitely until there has an interrupt and the motor will turn on the opposite direction about 2 second. i have done a simulation in proteus software and its work as i wish.... But during working in bread board, there are no output on the output port at PIC... can someone help me?? the program and circuit as above...
Sometimes when you are working on a bread board, the crystal that you are using to drive your PIC will not work properly or be inacurate because of capacitance that exists in the breadboard itself. Just because something works in a simulator doesn't mean it will work in real life. There is no circuit attached, if we could see the circuit then we may be able to help you more.
I see now power being supplied to your PIC in the schematic, this probably means that Proteus does this itself. It can be a bit misleading though, you need to add bypass capacitors to the power pins of the PIC. Somewhere between 100nF and 1uF should be a good choice.
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