data sheet for CdS photoresistor

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I am looking for CdS photo-resistor with rise time in the range of 90 micro seconds to 200 micro seconds.This range is required to detect voice signal. Actually I am working on a project to use visible laser of wavelength 640nm as a carrier of voice signal and detect it with a CdS photoresistor.
I am wondering if anybody can help me the find CdS Photodiode with this specification. This would be great if dats sheet is privided.

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I would have thought it's unlikely there's a datsheet for it, as it probably refers to a range of different devices - depending where they buy them from.

But any LDR should be good enough for voice communication, bear in mind it will only be varying very slightly.
The speed of the photoresistor is likely largely determined by it's operating resistance (with the laser light on it) and the circuit capacitance that it is driving. Using the photoresistor (with bias applied) as the input resistor to an inverting op amp will minimize the effect of stray capacitance and maximize the frequency response.

You could also use a photodiode which may have better performance for your requirements.
I don't think a CdS cell would be fast enough for voice but it depends on the model and the required slew rate.
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