Consulting on Telecommunication Field

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New Member
Hello guys ,I would like to know how telecommunication engineering is given consideration when designing the house.
Like the other field as civil who designs the structure of the block and electrical who design the wiring method appropriate for the building designed.I have no Idea how telecommunication takes part in the designing of the house(office block or even family house).
This might be a silly question for those who are in the first world but for us who are in the third world the thing is new and we have no idea how the telecom field is playing a role in completing the design.
I will appreciate for any answer given by the board !!
thanks you
When building houses, there typically aren't a whole lot of actual engineers involved... electrical wiring is typically done by electricians, who, while trained and skilled at electrical work, are not degree-carrying engineers... I don't believe civil engineers involve themselves with home design either... typically that's done by architects; i'm not sure, but i don't think architects have engineering degrees either. And as for telecom setup in a house... That sort of thing would be handled by the electricians, and probably the power and phone companies.

This all changes when talking about big commercial buildings, I'm sure, but as far as HOME construction goes, I don't believe there are very many actual engineers involved...
You mean networking?
Well, i think its just some cabling work need to be carried out, similiar with power lines.
After that, connect the cables to telecommunication devices.
Well, I mean big commercial building and Icant say directly networking as the networking work can be done by computer technician
But my point was reffered to the consulting firms which are legalized to design and construct buildings wheather acomercial house or home.
In my country you can not build a commercial house without consulting the engineer who can advice you on the method and know how of building something that will last long and that must be a consulting firm.
To be honestly I am trying to come up with a project which will minimize cost of installing a networking(any )separately to the cost of building a house. Is that possible any idea how Ican do it
And may be one more question for those who are in first world ,what is the work of a telecommunication engineer in you countries?
There is a relatively new technology to transmit data using power transmission line.
This reduces amount of networking cable greately.

To my knowledge, telecomunication engineers in my country mainly work for telephony companies.
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