comparison between 'OrCAD' and 'open source' pcb designing software

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I am a beginner in PCB Designing...

I have two questions:

1.) Is the 'open source software' e.g. KICAD for pcb design as powerful and flexible as Cadence ORCAD...?

2.) Is the 'pattern of using i.e. features and icons etc. ' is same for both 'open source software' and 'OrCAD'...?


I've not used Kicad; I have messed with Orcad a bit in the past, but never really got on with it; we use a different commercial one.

A free one I have looked at - Designspark PCB. It's not open source but does seem pretty good.

It also integrates with a massive online parts database & the place that runs that will create a model (component symbol & PCB layout pattern etc.) for any part that's not in the database.

You can get it here:
I have used older versions of OrCad, but have now used KiCad for some time and although a bit of a learning curve, it is equal IMO.
There are also many Utube tutor videos.
Also FREE, and being sponsored by CERN helps a bit!

I also use Designspark PCB, however they WON'T create models for 'any' component, I've had a number of parts (and all actually RS parts) which they refuse to do. You can do them yourself (and I have), but it's easier to let them do it

Following this thread, I have downloaded KICAD to have a play with.

I did some new boards on Friday (and sent the files off for manufacturing), but I stuck with Designspark PCB for now, I'll try KICAD when I have more time.
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