Cold cathodes.. harmfull?

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Does anyone know if there are any dangeroug chemicals in cold cathodes? the reason i am asking, is because i snapped one and cut my finger and got a piece of glass in the cut... this was just under a month ago and it is still a bit sore to touch (find it hard to write properly... just gone back to school)

the cold cathode was out of a laptop screen.

I would have thought they use chemicals which aren't very good for you - but it sounds like it's still healing - I'm presuming you got all the bits out?.
A month is plenty of time for it to have healed (unless it was nearly severed...). I've had glass heal under the skin before, and it sounds like thar is what you most likely have. This really sux, because its sharp and transparent, and usually very small. It took months for me to finally dig it out on my own. It keeps doing damage, scar tissue pushes up and forms a bump, that tends to cause pain when you scrape it against something. Removing the bump helps for a while, but it reforms... Best to get a doctor to work on yours.

The phosphorus coating... hasn't killed you in a month, wouldn't worry about, it
ok, thanks, it wasnt a serious cut and i got some of it out, the scar tissue has started to pop uip again. It was quite a bit of force getting it in the skin though... i got graphite under my skin 3 years ago, healed within a month, can still see it under the skin (think it's just left a mark because i got most of that out)

Thanks for the replies
The graphite is now a tattoo. If you do have glass in there, you'll continue to have trouble until you get it removed. Did mine with an exacto-knife, took several attemps. Wouldn't suggest doing it yourself, I'm just not int the doctor thing.
I'd go and see a doctor if I were you, CCFs contain mercury (though not that much) and the phosphors can be harmful too.
Horray graphite tatoos. I stood up with a pencil pointed down under a table once and it hit my thigh when I stood up (stupid me)...still have the mark and that was 10 years ago...
I also have a graphite spot in my palm from when I was little and grabbed a falling newly sharpened pencil the wrong way
It's better to err on the side of caution; cut off your finger and be done with it.
the graphite is from a friend, he had a sharp pencil and i went to grab something out of the box he was carrying and sort of hit the pencil.

anyway, hero999, do you think i should still go to the doctors after nearly a month?

Thanks again for your replies
went the docs, who refered me to the walk in centre, who took x-rays and refered me to the hospital and i had surgery yesturday... i had a local anasthetic so i got to watch it anyway they got it out and stitched it up... i was in hospital 8am-7pm (1 hour operation max... including getting up there and ready)
I'm glad you took my advice. That is very quick, it must have been quite bad for them to do it so quickly.
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