Is there a reasonably affordable, accurate CO2 detector that's easy to read with a microcontroller (AVR)? Was just thinking about this while over reading the 'Climategate' thread... With twitter, and a cheap simple device, seems like we could generate our own global warming data, independently of politicians and crazed lunatics. Or, more realistically, we could monitor and graph the progression or progress locally. Might make a nice desktop toy, or even commercial product.
I've got most everything, graphic LCD, AVR, temperature sensors, but don't recall having seen a CO2 detector. Wonder if a carbon monoxide detector would be close enough, it's only off by one oxygen atom.
But, yes, I am seriously interested in building this project, and trying to keep it cheap and easy, with the hope of others doing the build and sharing their local readings online someday.
I've got most everything, graphic LCD, AVR, temperature sensors, but don't recall having seen a CO2 detector. Wonder if a carbon monoxide detector would be close enough, it's only off by one oxygen atom.
But, yes, I am seriously interested in building this project, and trying to keep it cheap and easy, with the hope of others doing the build and sharing their local readings online someday.