Circuit Graphics Tool

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I had an idea about incorporating a circuit drawing tool into the ET forum. This would be similar to the text editor already being used with the exception that instead of typing text you could draw circuit symbols and entire circuits. The result would be a gif format that would be of small size for these kinds of line drawings and would automatically get posted just like the text does without uploading anything like a graphics file.

Circuit symbols could range from resistors to capacitors and transistors, multi lead ICs and stuff like that. Pasting could include just about anything graphic to allow geometric drawings too for example. I know this wouldnt be that easy to do, but it would be very nice to have on a mostly electronics site like this.
That sounds a very useful feature if you could get it to work OK.

A good idea!

I've just been playing with this....Java based circuit sim... Its quite good and being java based you can quickly build a circuit and export the circuit... Not exactly what's needed but close.
Hi again,

Well, not a script, but an actual graphics editor like MS Paint or better built right into the 'Reply' type window. Right now we type text, but below that (just for example) could be a graphics window for drawing with a menu or something with lots of electronic symbols.
I know it's not the simplest thing to do, but it would be great.
One of the members here and on AAC, Quietman (Bill Marsden), has a MSPaint -based circuit drawing application on ACC.
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