Chocolate ants?

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Oh k, now were on chocolate covered politics... I Said things get weird after the crickets didn't I...

Some people can not accept defeat and the reality of just how corrupt their past system was at the same time, and for the record I am not who brought up the politics here.

I may be many things but I am not an unpatriotic anti-American sore looser nor for a socialist/semi communistic system of government that goes against American values.

BTW, I didn't vote for Trump. I just voted against clinton and sanders. Everything else that has come up from the mass ongoing liberal agenda failure has just been a bonus regardless of whether President Trump is responsible or not.
Meanwhile back in the real world...........

You had some really cool sweets back in the 'old days' . Not sure i like the tricky stuff of changing names, then making something a bit smaller and selling it for more!! Asking around (yes i got odd looks), I am reliably informed that curly wurlys were soft and not hard as concrete like now. I am also informed that you had something that looked like dried mealworms but tasted kinda funny.

There is a shop I remember in Exeter that sold old style sweets in really large glass jars, it was a great shop but the prices were mental.

On the Ants, Chemically it would make more sense if they had been dark Chocolate, but from what I found they used milk Chocolate?? So then I got to assume that they heated the ants (maybe the ants were from making formic acid *being serious), I am pretty sure some formic acid was still made with ants in the 70's. So that would fit, Formic acid would not react nicely with Milk Chocolate (no data just a semi educated guess).

As for the politics..........really? in a sweet thread FFS.
As for the politics..........really? in a sweet thread FFS.

Yes I know. I didn't start it and my initial posts that lead up to it fit the general contexts of relating to odd foods or names of foods that were a bit misleading in what they were made from.
I remember the chocolate covered ants circa late 50s and early 60s here in the US. They came as chocolate cube shapes and the grasshoppers were around as well but I seem to recall the grasshoppers as like fried and salted.

I ate some chocolate ants once (once...).

Didn't like the "crunch" and there was an odd aftertaste that was off-putting. Perhaps the formic acid, or whatever it had done to the chocolate.

That, and the whole concept of eating insects when raised on a diet of meat and potatoes.

I also draw the line at boogers...
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