Chat image links for animated gifs

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I've had a few issues related to animated images linked in chat, not because of their content but because I'm flicker sensitive and there's no way to forcefully scroll something off the screen aside from spamming the channel. I'm forced to shrink the window to get the images to scroll off before they naturally do in chat. Is there a slash command that can clear the local chat buffer?
Goto the tool box in chat scroll down to "Maximum number of messages in the chatlist:" and put in a different number than "0".
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That serves the same purpose as shrinking the window though Mike. I just want to clear my local buffer if I need to.
Mike, it doesn't do what you describe until a new message is posted in chat which is why I didn't see it do anything the first time. A simple clear command would be more useful, even better if it just cleared the display screen not the scroll buffer so that I could still scroll back to previous chat after the fact, but now I'm just nit picking =)
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