capture card data

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New Member
Hello everyone,
I would like to create a capture card data which come from many sensors (eg a sensor that can read the battery voltage to start a car) and to display the result on the computer. I must make a small prototype.

What type of μc you advise me? I don't know how to do it? any tips or documentation?
Thank you for your answers.
Almost any μC will do, providing it has enough I/O pins and memory, and a high enough processing speed for your needs. You will also need a programmer for the μC and programming skills.
Try googling for 'data capture' or similar.
I would suggest ATmega μC, beacuse if you have a serial port you can make the programmer from just a few diodes and resistors, and you the C compiler is open source and thus free. Plus there are about as many examples on the net as there are for their main rival, the PIC controllers.
But really, the choice depends on what exatly you want to measure and what you want to do with it after that.
Thank you for your answers.

I was thinking about using a 8051 microcontroller and interface it with an ADC 12-bits. do you have any example with such combination?
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