Canada Day

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Just a little somewhat late post to wish all my northern forum neighbors a happy and safe Canada Day. Enjoy your weekend.

I'm not a Northern member (though close) but, happy Canada day just the same! I'm in the U.S. and even if I'm not much of a patriot it's impossible not to get caught up in the fourth of July holiday (as we observe it here) a little bit. Mostly because of the fireworks =) Nothing says you're an American like blowing stuff up!.....

That aside, nothing says blowing stuff up right like the pure art and awe that comes out of a fireworks display (as is the typical way to observe our version of the holiday) Aside from some types of explosive clad welding the firework is one of the most beautifully constructive uses of something that explodes I have ever seen, and it doesn't come from this country =>

Popcorn is excluded from these statements as anything that tastes that good and comes from (effectively) a bomb, has to be perfect.
Thank you! It does not take much for me to to pop the cork on a bottle of champagne! The second one is allready in the fridge for the 4th. of J, Have fun!

Re: Popcorn. My first recollection of it was just after WW2 in Germany, my older brother, than 7, brought some home. Rudementary instructions on how-to. Our mother did it in an open frying pan, what a mess! We had mice living in after that. E
We have the kids and grand-kids up for the long weekend plus another large dog to add to our two, and a major party planned with most of the neighbors for tomorrow. I am preparing the beef briskets today while the wife works on other foods for tomorrow. This has become a growing large annual event. More than any other holiday I love the 4th of July. Not to mention a pile of pyrotechnics. I love pyrotechnics!


hi Ron and our other American Cousins.

Have a happy 4thJuly2011
Thank You Eric and thank you for the link to Cleveland. Been to that stadium many times and they do great fireworks considering they are actually in the city, limiting high aerial stuff. Thanks again.

Canada is a great country gifted us with heroes like audioguru and all

Happy Canada day to all Canadian members.
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