CAN networks, a step too far???

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I could write more "tutorials" in the Code Repository. Is there something that would interest you.. maybe how to divide C projects in multiple files, or something else (for beginners)?
That would be good, and maybe some stuff on the compiler process etc. How to make Libs and what headers are and how to use them, there is alot of C tutorials but most focus on the actual language rather than the other bits.
So let me get this right, if I am just using pics then I dont need controllers as such? I know there are some microchip does that are spi, but that sort of defeats the object of the CAN peripheral. Opto isolators sound like a good idea, do I still need the resistor terminations?
I am thinking of going with there stack for the Cars and trucks etc.
Ive read alot of microchip app notes, looks a bit involved to start with but looks worth the effort. There is alot of features I really like with CAN, being 5V is handy as well. Not sure the chip(s) yet but i8f's probably.I like the challenge of a nice meaty project
That would be good, and maybe some stuff on the compiler process etc. How to make Libs and what headers are and how to use them, there is alot of C tutorials but most focus on the actual language rather than the other bits.
RightO!.... I'll try and do a few as well
Great one Ian, all tutorials are useful but you dont see many aimed at beginners that explain what happens. Another good example is the one you did on large variables and altering the linker script, most books web pages tell you about For While loops etc, but few tell you how to alter linker scripts etc. In some ways that is far more useful as a tutorial as it opens up alot of possibilities.
making a can analyzer would be a good project, I keep meaning to make the serial analyzer, they provide the firmware and schematics for both
LG said:
Another good example is the one you did on large variables and altering the linker script

Ah!! The C18 table troubles.... It's funny how Hi-tech can manage large tables!!!! XC8 is better in that respect.
Thank you very much for the tip! actually I ran it with only the differential line, no ground.Burnt about 3 controllers and thought that there was some issue with the differential cables and cursed the digikey for providing with those cables. I hate mikro-electronica thingies for they are like arduino s, makes people lazy.
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