can AVR use for video

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Depends on what you mean by 'processing'. I don't have any experience with the larger, or expensive chips, but do try to keep up on my reading. The best I've seen for video, are monitor test patterns, text, and a few lower resolution arcade type games. And these all seem to really stretch the capacity of the chips to the limits. Don't usually spend much time looking at the higher end chips, still sort of learning with them small and cheap. Might check the Atmel site, or AVRFreaks and see if there is something useful.
Try google there are several fully schematic'd projects for AVR video, it's generally limited to CGA quality graphics with low color depth. I wouldn't call it okay for video processing =)
hi i need to know can AVR use for video processing

while i have done video, as others have said you do not say what you actually want to do. anything real is actually well beyond avr capabilities. for b/w pal resolution you need to put out a pixel every 250ns. that means looking up and shifting out data at a consistent 4.2MHz rate. luckily reducing the horizontal resolution of 720 is pretty easy, just put out a pixel change half as often.

loading up a parallel in serial out shift register will allow time to go get the data reducing your data rate to 1 byte every 4 uS for 320 pixel lines, though you still need more hardware than that to keep all the syncs and stuff together...but that is actually slow enough for the processor to keep up with since they are at much lower rates.
thanks Ubergeek63 for your reply

actually i need to implement digital video i need to process digitized video signal comming from A/D converter.sampling rate will be 3 or 4 times 4.43MHz.if you have idea about this please tell me the speed i should select for microcontroller(avr or any)
You can't do this with an AVR. General purpose micro controllers are not designed to process data this fast. You need a DSP, perhaps an AVR32 or a dedicated video scrambling codec or FPGA.
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