camera end motion detector,....please help!!!!!!!!!

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New Member
I really don´t know much about electronics, perhaps i should say i don´t know a single thing. So my question is: Is it possible to use a motion detector to make a camera, that's transmiting directly to a tv, play what it has recorded in it´s cassette just when it detects movement, and when it detects it again to change back to the (on-direct-tv) past mode?

i'd really apreciatte your´s urgent. pleez try to answer to my mail...lots of thaks.
I can't really answer your question the way it is set up. Depending on the motion sensor, it can close a circuit, open a circuit, generate a voltage, all upon movement.

What you do with this signal determines its function. ie. hook it up to trigger a camera to play .. turn on a tv.. etc.

What i did for something similar was use an normal PIR and use the relay output to trigger a timmer circuit and the N/O relay on the timmer circuit is wired in to the rec on the VCR and N/C is wired into the stop, but use shielded twisted pair. cheers
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