C to asm. help

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1st. let me say I'm just a hobby programmer doing a little in asm and basic.
I found this code on the internet that is supposed to do part of what I'm working on.
written in C with some asm. mixed in for a 16f876A. I was hoping some one could help me convert it to all asm. for a 16f676. as any code posted on the internet I'm not sure if it even works. But if it does then I can modify and add to some code I have written
for the final project
take it easy on remember I'm just learning
//      LANC controller
//  Control a Sony DSC-V1 still camera with a 16f876A PIC
//  Original code: Alberto Caballero Tante
//  This is a beta version of a Sony LANC controller. LANC output
//  is on bit 3 of PIC Port C. Connect the camera using a pullup
//  resistor.
//  21/10/2005: Beta version
// Please any commets: translib@hotmail.com (subject "LANC controller").

#include "F:\Alberto\Aplicaciones\CCS Compiler\PIC projects\test_lanc\serie01.h"

int   n_bits;
int   n_bytes;
int   counter;
int   recv_reg;
int   send_reg;
int   nEmpty;
int   status_byte;
int   send_command;
int   general_flags;
int   nB8Count;
int   nB8;
int   nA8Count;
int   nA8;
int   status_response;
int   nCmdCount;
int   special_word;

int photo_flag;

#define     PORTA          0x05
#define     PORTB          0x06
#define     PORTC          0x07
#define     TRISA          0x85
#define     TRISB          0x86
#define     TRISC          0x87
#define     same           0x01
#define     no_same        0x00
#define     lanc           0x03
#define     STATUS         0x03
#define     RP0            0x05
#define     RP1            0x06
#define     msb            0x07
#define     lsb            0x00
#define     PC             0x02
#define     Z_BIT          0x02

#define     command_tx     0x00

#define     TrisLanc       0x01
#define     Tris           0x11

#define     EMPTY_COUNT    0x1D
#define     BitStatus0     0x00
#define     BitStatus1     0x02
#define     BitStatus2     0x03
#define     BitStatus3     0x04
#define     BitStatus4     0x05
#define     Bit0ECommand   0x01

#define     Bit0           0x00
#define     Bit1           0x01
#define     Bit2           0x02

// Commands
#define     COMMAND_0E     0x0E
#define     PRE_CMD_1E     0x1E
#define     POWER_OFF      0x5E
#define     PHOTO          0x5A
#define     WORD1          0x43
#define     WORD2          0x53
#define     SEND_CMD       0x01

#define     OUTPUT_PINS    0x00
#define     INPUT_PINS     0xFF

void main()
   // Initialization
   n_bits            = 0;
   counter           = 0;
   recv_reg          = 1;
   send_reg          = 0;
   nEmpty            = 0;
   status_byte       = 1;
   general_flags     = 0;
   nB8               = 4;
   nB8Count          = 0;
   nA8               = 3;
   nA8Count          = 0;
   status_response   = 1;
   special_word      = 0x0f;
   nCmdCount         = 10;
   send_command          = 0;

   photo_flag =0;


               bcf      STATUS, RP0
               bcf      STATUS, RP1

               clrf     n_bytes
   sync_up:    clrf     counter
   sync_loop:  btfss    PORTC, lanc
               goto     sync_up
               incfsz    counter, same
               goto     sync_loop
   synced:     clrf     n_bytes

   wait_strt:  btfsc    PORTC, lanc
               goto     wait_strt

   start_bit:  movlw    15
               movwf    counter
   l1:         decfsz   counter, same
               goto     l1

               btfsc    PORTC, lanc
               goto     error

               movlw    8
               movwf    n_bits

   wait_bits:  movlw    15
               movwf    counter
   l2:         decfsz   counter, same
               goto     l2

   send_bits:  btfss    general_flags, command_tx
               goto     wait_half
               btfss    send_reg, lsb
               goto     send_0

   send_1:     bcf      PORTC, lanc
               bsf      STATUS, RP0
               movlw    OUTPUT_PINS
               movwf    TRISC
               //bcf      STATUS, RP0
               goto     bit_sent

   send_0:     bsf      PORTC, lanc
               bsf      STATUS, RP0
               movlw    INPUT_PINS
               movwf    TRISC
               bcf      STATUS, RP0

   bit_sent:   rrf      send_reg, same
               movlw    10
               goto     jump_half

   wait_half:  movlw    15
               movwf    counter
   l3:         decfsz   counter, same
               goto     l3

               rrf      recv_reg, same
               bcf      recv_reg, msb
               btfss    PORTC, lanc
               bsf      recv_reg, msb

               decfsz   n_bits, same
               goto     wait_bits

   wait_stop:  movlw    14
               movwf    counter
   l4:         decfsz   counter, same
               goto     l4

   send_stop:  btfss    general_flags, command_tx
               goto     wait_half_stop
               bsf      PORTC, lanc
               bsf      STATUS, RP0
               movlw    INPUT_PINS
               movwf    TRISC
               bcf      STATUS, RP0
               bcf      general_flags, command_tx
               movlw    11
               goto     jump_half_stop

               movlw    14

               movwf    counter
   l5:         decfsz   counter, same
               goto     l5

   read_stop:  btfss    PORTC, lanc
               goto     error

               incf     n_bytes, same
               decf     n_bytes, w
               andlw    07
               addwf    PC, same
               goto     check_0
               goto     check_1
               goto     check_2
               goto     check_3
               goto     check_4
               goto     check_5
               goto     check_6
               goto     check_7

   // Byte 0
               btfss    send_command, 0
               goto     wait_strt

               movlw    PHOTO
               movwf    send_reg
               movlw    SEND_CMD
               movwf    general_flags
               goto     wait_strt

   // Byte 1
               btfss    status_byte, BitStatus2
               goto     wait_strt

   send_43:    // Send special values
               movf     special_word, no_same
               movwf    send_reg
               movlw    SEND_CMD
               movwf    general_flags

               goto     wait_strt

   // Byte 2
               btfsc    status_byte, BitStatus0
               goto     status_0
               btfsc    status_byte, BitStatus1
               goto     status_1
               btfsc    status_byte, BitStatus3
               goto     status_2
               goto     wait_strt

               movlw    0
               addwf    recv_reg, no_same
               btfsc    STATUS, Z_BIT
               incf     nEmpty, same
               goto     wait_strt

               movlw    0x47
               subwf    recv_reg, no_same
               btfsc    STATUS, Z_BIT
               incf     nB8Count
               goto     wait_strt

               movlw    0x57
               subwf    recv_reg, no_same
               btfsc    STATUS, Z_BIT
               incf     nA8Count
               goto     wait_strt

   // Byte 3
               goto     wait_strt

               goto     wait_strt

               goto     wait_strt

               goto     wait_strt

               btfss    status_byte, Bit0ECommand
               goto     begin_spare

               // Send 0x0E command
               movlw    COMMAND_0E
               movwf    send_reg
               movlw    SEND_CMD
               movwf    general_flags

   // Time to check the state
               btfsc    status_byte, BitStatus0
               goto     spare_status_0

               btfsc    status_byte, BitStatus1
               goto     spare_status_1

               btfsc    status_byte, BitStatus2
               goto     spare_status_2

               btfsc    status_byte, BitStatus3
               goto     spare_status_3

               goto     end_spare

               movlw    EMPTY_COUNT
               subwf    nEmpty, no_same
               btfss    STATUS, Z_BIT
               goto     end_spare

               // Change status
               movlw    0x06
               movwf    status_byte

               // Send 0x0E command in next frame
               movlw    COMMAND_0E
               movwf    send_reg
               movlw    SEND_CMD
               movwf    general_flags

               goto     end_spare

               movf     nB8, no_same
               subwf    nB8Count, no_same
               btfss    STATUS, Z_BIT
               goto     end_spare

               // Change status
               movlw    0x0A
               movwf    status_byte
               movlw    3
               movwf    nB8
               clrf     nB8Count

               //goto     end_spare

   spare_status_2: // Send AC, AC
               btfsc    status_response, Bit0
               goto     send_BC
               btfsc    status_response, Bit1
               goto     send_AC1
               btfsc    status_response, Bit2
               goto     send_AC2
               goto     error

               // Change state
               movlw    0x02
               movwf    status_response

               // Prepare to send
               movlw    WORD1
               movwf    special_word
               goto     end_spare

               // Change state
               movlw    0x04
               movwf    status_response

               // Prepare to send
               movlw    WORD2
               movwf    special_word
               goto     end_spare

               // Change state
               movlw    0x01
               movwf    status_response
               movlw    0x12
               movwf    status_byte

               // Prepare to send
               movlw    WORD2
               movwf    special_word
               goto     end_spare

   spare_status_3: // Read A8's
               movf     nA8, no_same
               subwf    nA8Count, no_same
               btfss    STATUS, Z_BIT
               goto     end_spare

               // Change status
               movlw    0x06
               movwf    status_byte
               movlw    3
               movwf    nA8
               clrf     nA8Count

               movlw    0xff
               movwf    photo_flag;

               btfss    photo_flag, 0x00
               goto     sync_up

               //movlw    0
               //movwf    photo_flag;

               bcf      status_byte, Bit0ECommand
               //bsf      status_byte, BitStatus4
               movlw       0xFF
               movwf       send_command

               // Send 0x1E pre-command byte
               movlw    PRE_CMD_1E
               movwf    send_reg
               movlw    SEND_CMD
               movwf    general_flags

               decfsz   nCmdCount, same
               goto     sync_up

               // No more command. Restore state
               movlw    10
               movwf    nCmdCount
               //bcf      status_byte, BitStatus4
               movlw    0
               movwf    send_command
               bsf      status_byte, Bit0ECommand
               movlw    COMMAND_0E
               movwf    send_reg
               movlw    SEND_CMD
               movwf    general_flags

               movlw 0
               movwf  photo_flag

               goto     sync_up



   goto fin



Last edited:
Just download the CCS compiler (PCM version?). The demo/free version will generate up to 2K of code and since most of this is asm I expect it will fit.
thanks but the CCS compiler does not support a 16f676 ( i use a pickit1 which is limited on chip select)
If I can get someone to help I can use what I have
I wrote an ASM LANC controller awhile back for a Canon camcorder. Used a 12F and got the current consumption low enough that it could self-power off the bus.
As usual, I spent WAY too long on it, and the camcorder busted not too long after that.

IIRC, the problem was that the whole idea was to keep the camera in "sleep" mode until I needed to record. However, an ill-documented part of Sleep mode was that the power added a high impedance in series with it (or something like that, I forget). And pulling it down too far would invoke the Wake. But, it can be done.

Also one thing that threw me for a loop: the LANC protocol description said something like "commands are usually valid after 3 words". I thought that meant you sent Stop, it'd wait another 2 or 3 command cycles to Stop. No, it means you have to send the SAME command several times in a row for it to be recognized as valid. There's no CRC and I guess that's how they verify it. Also odd that it said "usually valid after 3". Odd degree of uncertainty. I sent it like 5 or 10 times just to be sure. Takes no extra time and doesn't hurt anything.
oznog Thanks for your reply. I have been controlling Sony video cams for about 3 years using the Lanc protocol . and yes your right.
But this is for a Sony Still cam. which from what I have seen is different. this code is only a example of that difference has no input to trigger ,etc. but if in fact if it will tell the cam to take a picture then I think I can add the rest.
Ok I tried to convert it on my own it compiles but does not work.
could someone compare what I did to the "c"-"asm " version (1st. post)
and show me what I did wrong . here's a link to the source I used.
LANC codes for still cameras

         #include "p16F676.inc"  
   errorlevel   -302
          cblock    0x20


#define     same           0x01
#define     no_same        0x00
#DEFINE     LED           PORTC,0
#DEFINE     lanc           PORTC,4
;#define     STATUS         0x03
;#define     RP0            0x05
;#define     RP1            0x06
#define     msb            0x07
#define     lsb            0x00
#define     PC             0x02
#define     Z_BIT          0x02

#define     command_tx     0x00

#define     TrisLanc       0x01
#define     Tris           0x11

#define     EMPTY_COUNT    0x1D
#define     BitStatus0     0x00
#define     BitStatus1     0x02
#define     BitStatus2     0x03
#define     BitStatus3     0x04
#define     BitStatus4     0x05
#define     Bit0ECommand   0x01

#define     Bit0           0x00
#define     Bit1           0x01
#define     Bit2           0x02

;// Commands
#define     COMMAND_0E     0x0E
#define     PRE_CMD_1E     0x1E
#define     POWER_OFF      0x5E
#define     PHOTO          0x5A
#define     WORD1          0x43
#define     WORD2          0x53
#define     SEND_CMD       0x01

#define     OUTPUT_PINS    0x00
#define     INPUT_PINS     0xFF

;//////////////////////////////TURN COMPARATOR OFF//////////////////////////////////////////
        bcf	STATUS,RP0	            ;BANK 0
		bcf	STATUS,RP1	            ; register page 0
		movlw	0X07		        ;SET UP W TO TURN COMPARATOR OFF 
		movwf	CMCON
;////////////////////////////SET UP I/O////////////////////////////////////////////////////        
        bSf	STATUS,RP0	            ; BANK 1
		movlw	b'00001101'	        ;CONFIG I/O
		movwf	TRISA	            ;2,3,4 INPUTS 
        movlw	b'00010110'	        ;CONFIG I/O LANC INPUT @ POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
		movwf	TRISC	            ;TO ALL OUTPUTS
;/////////////////////////////SET UP A/D/////////////////////////////////////////////////
        MOVLW   B'00000000'         ; SELECT AN0 PORTA,O
        MOVWF   ANSEL               ;IS IN BANK 1

        MOVLW   B'00000000'         ; SELECT 16 TOSC
        MOVWF   ADCON1              ; IS IN BANK 1
		bcf	STATUS,RP0	            ;back to BANK 0
        MOVLW   B'00000000'         ; SELECT  RIGHT JUSTIFIED,VDD,CHANNEL 00(AN0)
        MOVWF   ADCON0              ;IS IN BANK 0


;void main()
   ;// Initialization
  clrf   n_bits           ; = 0;
  clrf counter          ; = 0;
  bsf recv_reg,0          ;= 1;
  clrf  send_reg         ; = 0;
  clrf nEmpty           ; = 0;
  bsf status_byte,0       ;= 1;
  clrf general_flags     ;= 0;
  clrf send_command          ;= 0;
  clrf nB8Count          ;= 0;
  clrf nA8Count          ;= 0;
  bsf status_response,0   ;= 1;
  clrf  photo_flag      ;=0;

  bsf LED

  movlw   0x0f 
  movwf    special_word
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;special_word      = 0x0f;

  movlw      10 
  movwf   nCmdCount

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;nCmdCount         = 10;

  movlw      3
  movwf   nA8

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;nA8               = 3;

  movlw      4
  movwf   nB8

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;nB8               = 4;

               bcf      STATUS, RP0
               bcf      STATUS, RP1

               clrf     n_bytes
sync_up:    clrf     counter
sync_loop:  btfss    lanc
               goto     sync_up
               incfsz    counter, same
               goto     sync_loop
synced:     clrf     n_bytes

wait_strt:  btfsc     lanc
               goto     wait_strt

start_bit:  movlw    15
               movwf    counter
l1:         decfsz   counter, same
               goto     l1
               btfsc     lanc
               goto     problem    ;error

               movlw    8
               movwf    n_bits

wait_bits:  movlw    15
               movwf    counter
l2:         decfsz   counter, same
               goto     l2

send_bits:  btfss    general_flags, command_tx
               goto     wait_half
               btfss    send_reg, lsb
               goto     send_0

send_1:     bcf       lanc
               bsf      STATUS, RP0
               movlw    OUTPUT_PINS
               movwf    TRISC
               ;//bcf      STATUS, RP0
               goto     bit_sent

send_0:        bsf       lanc
               bsf      STATUS, RP0
               movlw    b'00010000'  ;INPUT_PINS
               movwf    TRISC
               bcf      STATUS, RP0

bit_sent:   rrf      send_reg, same
               movlw    10
               goto     jump_half

wait_half:  movlw    15
               movwf    counter
l3:         decfsz   counter, same
               goto     l3

               rrf      recv_reg, same
               bcf      recv_reg, msb
               btfss     lanc
               bsf      recv_reg, msb

               decfsz   n_bits, same
               goto     wait_bits

wait_stop:  movlw    14
               movwf    counter
l4:         decfsz   counter, same
               goto     l4

send_stop:  btfss    general_flags, command_tx
               goto     wait_half_stop
               bsf       lanc
               bsf      STATUS, RP0
               movlw    b'00001000' ;INPUT_PINS
               movwf    TRISC
               bcf      STATUS, RP0
               bcf      general_flags, command_tx
               movlw    11
               goto     jump_half_stop

               movlw    14

               movwf    counter
l5:         decfsz   counter, same
               goto     l5

read_stop:  btfss     lanc
               goto    problem   ; error

               incf     n_bytes, same
               decf     n_bytes, w
               andlw    07
               addwf    PC, same
               goto     check_0
               goto     check_1
               goto     check_2
               goto     check_3
               goto     check_4
               goto     check_5
               goto     check_6
               goto     check_7

  ; // Byte 0
  ; //////////////////////////////////////////
               btfss    send_command, 0
               goto     wait_strt

               movlw    PHOTO
               movwf    send_reg
               movlw    SEND_CMD
               movwf    general_flags
               goto     wait_strt

  ; //////////////////////////////////////////
  ; // Byte 1
  ; //////////////////////////////////////////
               btfss    status_byte, BitStatus2
               goto     wait_strt

send_43:    ;// Send special values
               movf     special_word, no_same
               movwf    send_reg
               movlw    SEND_CMD
               movwf    general_flags

               goto     wait_strt

   ;// Byte 2
  ; //////////////////////////////////////////
               btfsc    status_byte, BitStatus0
               goto     status_0
               btfsc    status_byte, BitStatus1
               goto     status_1
               btfsc    status_byte, BitStatus3
               goto     status_2
               goto     wait_strt

               movlw    0
               addwf    recv_reg, no_same
               btfsc    STATUS, Z_BIT
               incf     nEmpty, same
               goto     wait_strt

               movlw    0x47
               subwf    recv_reg, no_same
               btfsc    STATUS, Z_BIT
               incf     nB8Count,0
               goto     wait_strt

               movlw    0x57
               subwf    recv_reg, no_same
               btfsc    STATUS, Z_BIT
               incf     nA8Count,0
               goto     wait_strt

   ;// Byte 3
               goto     wait_strt

               goto     wait_strt

               goto     wait_strt

               goto     wait_strt

               btfss    status_byte, Bit0ECommand
               goto     begin_spare

              ; // Send 0x0E command
               movlw    COMMAND_0E
               movwf    send_reg
               movlw    SEND_CMD
               movwf    general_flags

   ;// Time to check the state
               btfsc    status_byte, BitStatus0
               goto     spare_status_0

               btfsc    status_byte, BitStatus1
               goto     spare_status_1

               btfsc    status_byte, BitStatus2
               goto     spare_status_2

               btfsc    status_byte, BitStatus3
               goto     spare_status_3

               goto     end_spare

               movlw    EMPTY_COUNT
               subwf    nEmpty, no_same
               btfss    STATUS, Z_BIT
               goto     end_spare

               ;// Change status
               movlw    0x06
               movwf    status_byte

               ;// Send 0x0E command in next frame
               movlw    COMMAND_0E
               movwf    send_reg
               movlw    SEND_CMD
               movwf    general_flags

               goto     end_spare
               movf     nB8, no_same
               subwf    nB8Count, no_same
               btfss    STATUS, Z_BIT
               goto     end_spare

              ;// Change status
               movlw    0x0A
               movwf    status_byte
               movlw    3
               movwf    nB8
               clrf     nB8Count

               ;//goto     end_spare

spare_status_2: ;// Send AC, AC
               btfsc    status_response, Bit0
               goto     send_BC
               btfsc    status_response, Bit1
               goto     send_AC1
               btfsc    status_response, Bit2
               goto     send_AC2
               goto     problem ;error

               ;// Change state
               movlw    0x02
               movwf    status_response

               ;// Prepare to send
               movlw    WORD1
               movwf    special_word
               goto     end_spare

               ;// Change state
               movlw    0x04
               movwf    status_response

               ;// Prepare to send
               movlw    WORD2
               movwf    special_word
               goto     end_spare

               ;// Change state
               movlw    0x01
               movwf    status_response
               movlw    0x12
               movwf    status_byte

               ;// Prepare to send
               movlw    WORD2
               movwf    special_word
               goto     end_spare

spare_status_3: ;// Read A8's
               movf     nA8, no_same
               subwf    nA8Count, no_same
               btfss    STATUS, Z_BIT
               goto     end_spare

               ;// Change status
               movlw    0x06
               movwf    status_byte
               movlw    3
               movwf    nA8
               clrf     nA8Count

               movlw    0xff
               movwf    photo_flag;

               btfss    photo_flag, 0x00
               goto     sync_up

               ;//movlw    0
               ;//movwf    photo_flag;

               bcf      status_byte, Bit0ECommand
               ;//bsf      status_byte, BitStatus4
               movlw       0xFF
               movwf       send_command

               ;// Send 0x1E pre-command byte
               movlw    PRE_CMD_1E
               movwf    send_reg
               movlw    SEND_CMD
               movwf    general_flags

               decfsz   nCmdCount, same
               goto     sync_up

               ;// No more command. Restore state
               movlw    10
               movwf    nCmdCount
               ;//bcf      status_byte, BitStatus4
               movlw    0
               movwf    send_command
               bsf      status_byte, Bit0ECommand
               movlw    COMMAND_0E
               movwf    send_reg
               movlw    SEND_CMD
               movwf    general_flags

               movlw 0
               movwf  photo_flag

               goto     sync_up

             bCf LED

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