Breadboard projects

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New Member
Does anyone know where I can get some information to build basic circuits using a function generator, dc power supply 30V and a solderless breadboard.


Google: electronic hobby circuits
Tons of sites out there with hundreds of projects.
Is the 30v power supply variable? This is a big generalization, but most hobby circuits operate in the 5v to 15v range. If it is a fixed supply, one of your first "major" projects can be to make a variable power supply.

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Breadboard projects reply

Thanks Ken

The power supply is variable to 30VDC it also has 12v & 5V DC outputs at 500mA. Plus it also has variable amps for the 30VDC side of things. Thank you for your responce and I will use that Google search. Some times it is just getting the right search to find what you are looking for.

Kind Regards


It also helps to narrow the searches if there is an area of electronics that sounds particularly fascinating...robotics? power? It doesn't mean you're stuck there, it just limits the near infinite possibilities of places to start. I've been bread boarding circuits for over 50 years and still get a thrill from seeing all the bits come together and work. Have fun...and ask lots of questions. This is a very supportive Forum.

If you don't have one yet, get a digital multi-meter.

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are you using a big transformer or a transformerless circuit? 30v tr ansformers are always big and heavy expecily with high current
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