BLDC Motor Driver

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New Member

I am working on Brushless DC motors and i am ready to dive in the controller of the motor. Obviously, there is usually a driver board that has a micro controller that is responsible of the pulsing to the 3 windings leads and collecting Data from the hall effect sensors. I have no ex[erience with micro controllers and i am trying to get a tutorial about motors driver board and the logic behing this driving process. Anyone can suggest a website or a reference?

Thank you,

Go have a look on RC Groups and look in the DIY Electronics section....There are numerous brushless controller threads....

The back emf of the motor windings is ued for controlling speed and direction....HE devices are a thing of the past.......
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Just look for the specs sheets for a brushless DC motor driver IC. There are hundreds of them available now. And they typically have the full manufacturers suggested schematic included on the specs sheet.
If you want to save yourself a whole lot of grief, Have a look at something like a Zeitlauf BLDC motor with integrated electronics.
They require 2 bit logic: 00= off: 01 = Fwd : 10 = Rev: 11 = brake.
There is a 0-10V input for speed control, and an open collector Hall sensor I/P which you can connect to an interrupt pin on a uC to give a basic postion indication/ rpm. They also cut out and self recover if stalled.
4 uC I/O pins, and an hour hooking up/writing software, and your done

They require 2 bit logic: 00= off: 01 = Fwd : 10 = Rev: 11 = brake

Taht is based on having 2 Hall ICs. If we have three , we have 3 bit logic. What would the configuration of this logic for an auto drawer openning and close. In this link, there is a Drawer for an LG unit which is auto open, auto close. I got the motor and i am trying to figure out why they have 3 ICs instead of 2.

video: - LG fridge - Uploaded by engadget

000 =off
001 =fwd
010 =rev
011 =brake
100 =?
101 =?
110 =?
111 =?

I am thinking maybe the last four are for the safety when the drawer hits an obstacle?
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