hello, i amtrying to do something like a small car that would by itself follow an ir led, i allready made the comparator to know weather the IR is behind or infront of the car, and hence light up a green or yellow led.
THE PROBLEM comes when i try to replace the 2 leds with a more realistic thing, a DC motor to drive the car forward or backward. that's all what i need.. but as soon as i connect the output of the op amp to the motor i get very strange results, weather i am using a transistor switch or i even using a timer to contole the motor!!! yes i tried every kind of IC to ISOLATE THE MOTOR FROM THE REST OF THE CIRCUIT
is it a MUST to use a relay or there are smart ICs to do the job??
any help wellcome.
THE PROBLEM comes when i try to replace the 2 leds with a more realistic thing, a DC motor to drive the car forward or backward. that's all what i need.. but as soon as i connect the output of the op amp to the motor i get very strange results, weather i am using a transistor switch or i even using a timer to contole the motor!!! yes i tried every kind of IC to ISOLATE THE MOTOR FROM THE REST OF THE CIRCUIT
is it a MUST to use a relay or there are smart ICs to do the job??
any help wellcome.