Assistance for my senior project

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Hey memebrs ..

am in my last year of college and i thought of an ordering automated system as an idea for my senior project .. a touch screen that display pictures of various types of food (+ detailed info & costs).

Once the order is chosen, the patron can press an OK button. Then the order + the table # are transmitted electronically to the kitchen + restaurant server.

I wanted to ask what media will be best to send the order through and why.. I thought of some but donno what 2 choose:
Blutooth, Wireless, SMS or cables ..?

Cable conection for a mobile device in a restuarant NO WAY

sms you need a phone service conection and dail up everytime cost money and not handy in a restuarant even when you automize the dailing

a central installed IR reciever in the restuarant and muliple transmitters in the hand held device (faced in several direction) might do the job

i't's then only coding and decoding of the information


Ps: stick to the normal writing style if you ask a question in the forum, some members take it as offencive the way you write and thus it will limit your responses on the question

I agree with Robert-Jan on all points. Except that maybe IR could run into interference problems with human traffic in the restaurant if you're not careful.

If it were my project, I'd look into XBee. Google that term and see whether it might fit your application.

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