Arduino core using ATMega4809 and the Curiosity board

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Active Member
I picked up a couple of these Curiosity boards from Microchip for US $6 (on sale, regularly $10) .

The hardware user guide is here: .

The schematic is here: .

The ATMega4809 data sheet is here: **broken link removed** .

This morning, I was reading through the docs and looking online and so on, figuring that I would test out a board in MPLAB X IDE.

I came across an interesting Arduino core development project by Hans (MCUdude), MegaCoreX, that can use the board, GitHub page here: .

Less than 10 minutes later, I was running Blink.ino at 20 mHz. The project is a work in progress, but I think it is impressive.

Thought some others might be interested.
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