Anyone knows this C8051F340 board?

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New Member
Hello everybody,

I digged out a small board out of my belongings that I acquired probably 6 or 7 years ago. It has printed C8051F340 on it. I don't have any clue why I bought it neither. It seems to be popular, but I can't find find a description on the Internet what it is actually used for.

The SD card that has been inside of the card reader isn't readable on my laptop and gdisk says that two partitions would overlap. There are three LEDs on it that work fine. One is constantly lit and the two others flash alternatively.

I tried it and connected a USB to RS232 adapter to it. The adapter creates a ttyUSB0 device and picocom detects sometimes a single character if I interrupt shortly the connection to the board. So everything seems to work fine apart from the RS232 which is mute ... I don't have any JTAG adapter, but I was wondering what the SD card reader is for.

Well, it has only two further chips on it apart from the 8051, and one of them is for voltage conversion, I guess. Anyone knows what the purpose of this board is?
Presumably it's an 8051 development board? - hence all the I/O connections round the outside.
Yes, that for sure. I feared already that without JTAG adapter it might be useless.

More of a problem not having the instructions or details

A little googling found where to buy one!



The third one gives a bit more info, such as you need the CD=ROM that came with it.
Thanks a lot. But nowhere is explained what purpose has the SD card. I had the bold idea that MAYBE I could use it as an SBC, although a very simple one.

Surely programming without JTAG restricts to very short and simple code because it must be 100% bug-free ...

But, at least, it seems, that one needs first the JTAG to look into this black box. CD is often only for the program on the PC and documentation. Then MAYBE you can store an app onto the board. Well, many question marks ...

Actually, I didn't do any work on embedded systems since seven years. At the moment, I am just looking around.

Why would you imagine that? - there's no JTAG on PIC boards - and it's easy to write code without hardware (or indeed software) debuggers. Probably the most popular development board is the Arduino, and there's sod all in the way of debugging with that
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