Anybody want this thing?

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I had this sitting around, as best as I can tell it was for broadcast TV.


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sorry for reviving old thread, but i'm intertested if you still have this thing!
4Pyros has been using it as a boat anchor. It now might have some moisture issues.

Just sprayed my Beer all over the show

Boat anchor. Good one and more spray

Moisture issues too...outta here before I die laughing.

I am soo bored.

Cheers Guys,
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TV Tech, You should get a life.

Here I am in the "old man's home" with my walker and wheel chair. Every time I wake up I post again.
Lunch is over and it is time for my early after noon nap. Not to be confused with my mid after noon nap or my before supper nap.
The blond nurse will be back Wednesday so not much to look forward to today.

I am really tired. See you on the other side of nap time. Assuming we both wake up.

Hi Ron.

I am awake and happy to report I made it through the night and more .

That Blonde nurse you speak about visited me though. What a fantastic person she is....loving and caring...and just Wonderful.

Hope your wheel chair is OK. And hope all goes well for you from now on. if they give you any nonsense...tell them to deal with me here...
I really dislike people or institutions that think we are Senile or maybe forgetful in any way.

So, before I forget, where is your walker?

All the best,
Your friend,

What are we talking about? I will look back.
Male nurses...
moisture in underwear.....
boat anchor......
broadcast TV.....
4Pyros trying to give something away. Why would Pyros start such a non-coherent thread.
I think you are getting forgetful.
I am worried now..

A Female nurse... the friendly one. All I heard was a Vacuum machine ( for carpets and stuff) starting up..and then I passed out. I was tired.
Enough of this until I work it out.

I felt good for a while though. Nice.
Crap to get old.

To remember good things is hard for me..

I better stop this now....before we ALL end up in the CRAP.

Cheers Guys,
hmm, pyros 'been last active 7.:h july

Hi Fez

My friend with all that happened a while ago. I think he has issues with stuff. I will let him be. Things to sort out at home. A friend of note.
He will be back when the time is right.

So, are you Fez . Whatcha fix today??

latest innovation i'we made is just simple speed controller for fan, my shop/room is SO hot to work/sleep otherwise, and fan is way too loud to use at even normal speed. it's not very efficient way thought, around 41% efficiency.....just run is by isolated variac, but i have in mind to make encased variac without isolation, for other purposes too. I have excess 230v/0.5A, should be good for small power, it needs only meters/fuses and all case stuff. no worries, i won't probe it with scope!
I want Good LED Lights can you please share some details

Hello denial. Welcome to ETO.

OK...good LED lights last a long time...with proper PCB design up to but not exceeding around 100 Thousand Hours ( Pie in the sky).
Reality around 50 Thousand Hours ...with proper PCB achievable with quality LED's.

Start out with crap quality Ching LED's....and 50K will never be reached. Looking at maybe 2K Hours.....and that is that. And all becomes dimmer...

So, to get back to your original question....please share some details too..


You know, like stuff people need to know to answer your question accurately

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