An interesting keyboard

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Active Member
I don't normally write posts about new products that I don't have, but I found this keyboard kind of interesting...

In a way, it is a plain old mechanical keyboard. except each of the keys has an mcu and they are placed on, what is basically, a magnetic breadboard. So you can move the keys around at will. I'm not sure exactly how each key module communicates with the base, which looks USB-wired to the PC. In any event, I think it is cool - maybe not $99 cool, but cool.
It's kinda cool but I can't help thinking that they've solved a problem that doesn't exist.

It's kinda cool but I can't help thinking that they've solved a problem that doesn't exist.


Yeah, it definitely has a 'vanity' thing going on, unless you were doing some hard-core number input or needed some extra customizable keys...or wanted to brag about some ergonomics (does anyone do that any more - like those back-breaker chairs that ended getting tossed out by 90% of the folks I knew that got them).
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