ADC - Which chip to use?

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Hello again.

I am entering the realms of ADC (I think).

I have a temperature sensor LM35 which seems to give a voltage depening on the temperature.
Checked this with a multimeter.

I want to read the temperature.

So far in my PIC quest I have used 16f628,648 and 16f877 and the 'A' versions.

The code for the temperature will form part of what I have been doing with my RTTY / GPS transmitter which happily runs on the 16f648A. I can't find any ADC functions on that chip so what's the next step up?

I need all the IO I currently have PORTA PORTB TXD/RXD and ADC.

Can anyone suggest a better chip please?

Regards - Paul
I have used the 16f887 ADC quite successfully.
I use the 40pin DIP version of the 16f887.

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