A digital car alarm

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New Member
hi << can anyone solve this qustions by multisim and upload the simulation ?

A digital car alarm circuit that takes 1 input (door car) and 1 output (alarm). The circuit will turn the alarm on if someone enters the car without resetting the alarm.
When the driver is outside the car and the door is closed the alarm is “armed” but once he open it the circuit will wait 20 seconds for the driver to start the engine, if he didn’t then the circuit will turn the alarm on. The circuit should keep the alarm on until it is reset by the engine or the battery dies.
Assume the clock is set to have one pulse for every 20 seconds.
We don't do your homework for you, but can give guidance. You are expected to show your efforts so far.
I don't think it will be very difficult for you to do this assignment if you use the materials that were taught to you in class. You might want to show us what you have so far so if you can't get the answer we can assist you to the right one. But we definitely won't outrightly help you with the whole project like this.
This thread is a year old, WR. I think it's a tad late to assist with the OP's assignment .
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