818 / 819 config startup

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New Member
Hi huys,

wha tis wrong in the following part??
What do i forget??

Device 16f819 ''chipused

Xtal =8''freq

OSCCON=%01110000 ''stel register in op 8Mhz..!!!

config WDT_Off,PWRTE_Off,MCLRE_On ,boden_Off,lvp_off,CPD_OFF,debug_off,INTRC_IO

ADCON0 =%00000000
ADCON1 =%00000110
TRISA =%00000000
TRISB =%00001111

i want all ports digital, Reset pin enabled, 8Mhz or 4Mhz...
i have a led on PortA.2 but it doens't blink....

some one ideas??


I think RA2 pin may be configured as a comparator input by default. Try writing 0x07 to the CMCON register to disable them and set up for I/O.
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