6X8 Pixel characters instead of 5x8

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Im trying to get my characters to show up as 6x8 pixels,

heres the code:

So far i have managed to get it to show the character as 6x8 but theres no space between them and iv tried changing the code to get a spacing but it just messes up the characters.

    char xwidth, xpix, ypix, pos_Str, count, xcount, ycount, height, width, i;
    char Fontwidth = 1;                //First we assume small font
    char Fontheight = 1;
	char inv_colour = 1;
    char temp[6];
    temp[5] = 0x00;                        //Spacing Line

	if (Colour)
		inv_colour = 0;

    if (Font == 1)                     	//Double Height Sizes //Double Width
        Fontwidth = 2;
    if (Font == 2)                         //Double Height and Width Sizes
        Fontwidth = 2;
        Fontheight = 2;
    if (Font == 3)                         //Double Height Sizes
        Fontheight = 2;

    xcount = 0;
    for (i=0;i<MSZ_String;i++)         //Start at beginning of string and work along
        if (String[i] == 0)
        pos_Str = String[i] - 32;      //Calculate place in ASCII memory

        /* character is made up of 5*8 pixels, get all columns into temporary memory */
        for (count = 0; count < 5; count++)        //Use correct buffer location
			if (pos_Str < 12)
            else if (pos_Str < 24)
                temp[count]=ASCII2[((pos_Str - 12)*5)+count];
            else if (pos_Str < 36)
                temp[count]=ASCII3[((pos_Str - 24)*5)+count];
            else if (pos_Str < 48)
                temp[count]=ASCII4[((pos_Str - 36)*5)+count];
            else if (pos_Str < 60)
                temp[count]=ASCII5[((pos_Str - 48)*5)+count];
            else if (pos_Str < 72)
                temp[count]=ASCII6[((pos_Str - 60)*5)+count];
            else if (pos_Str < 84)
                temp[count]=ASCII7[((pos_Str - 72)*5)+count];
            else if (pos_Str < 96)
                temp[count]=ASCII8[((pos_Str - 84)*5)+count];
 			else if (pos_Str < 108)
                temp[count]=ASCII9[((pos_Str - 96)*5)+count]; // this is for custom ASCII


	if (String[i] > 126)
		else if (String[i] == 32)
			xwidth=4;        // width of space
																	 //			xwidth=6; 
			for (count=4,xwidth=6;count>0 && temp[count]==0;count--) //counts the 0 in last column
				{												     // normal font width with 1 space line 5+1
					xwidth--;                                        // remove spaces
 /* now working across columns of temporary memory */

        for (xpix=0; xpix<xwidth; xpix++)    //For 6 ASCII bytes 0 - 5
            for (width=0;width<Fontwidth;width++)
                ycount = 0;
                for (ypix=0;ypix<8;ypix++)    //For 8 data bits in bytes 0 - 7
                    for (height=0;height<Fontheight;height++)
                        if (test_bit(temp[xpix],ypix))
                            LCD_PlotPixel(X + xcount, Y + ycount, Colour);
                        else if (Transparent == 0)
                            LCD_PlotPixel(X+xcount, Y+ycount, inv_colour);
	//LCD_Write_Screen(); //Needs to refresh whole display  

changing this part,

/* character is made up of 5*8 pixels, get all columns into temporary memory */
        for (count = 0; count < 5; count++)        //Use correct buffer location

to this,

/* character is made up of 5*8 pixels, get all columns into temporary memory */
        for (count = 0; count < 6; count++)        //Use correct buffer location

gives me 6x8 charcters but no spaces.

Can anyone steer me in the right direction
cobra, I assume you fixed this . But if not, let me know and I'll fix the code for you
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