Hello: I am rather new to learning circuit design (newby alert here!). I have wired up a number of 555 IC circuits with some fair success. However, the seemingly simpler 40106 has me stumped. I have ten of them in stock and can't believe that they would all have defects. (All of them so far have used +6 or +9 Vcc via battery so I doubt that I have fried anything). I have wired up some sample circuits of the most simplistic design, and cannot get a response via LEDS or even on a scope. I have 40106 datasheets, but they don't have sample circuits. What I wanting to do is to get a circuit that will verify that a given 40106 unit is generating a basic output. I can check that with pin 14 to Vcc and pin 7 to GND, that the unit is getting power. Is it really that much of a deal to get a basic waveform onto a pin so that it shows up on a scope? If someone has a schematic to validate the outputs, that would be great.