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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.


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you know, last night i realised something.
the day doesnt actually last 24h, it lasts 23h 56min and some seconds.
but when you build a clock you use the quartz and divide the frequency and you get 1Hz for your clock.
perfect! but the clock works fine, it doesnt show 3 minutes and so more every day.
there is something interesting here. but how do you explain this?
What :?: What are you talking about? From where did you hear this?
It would be very easy to explain if your clock were a mechanical one. As for the electronic version, maybe the frequency isn't exactly 1Hz but rather 1.01Hz and thus the time goes faster on your clock.
no, it is true. the day doesnt last 24h exactly. that's why at each 4 years we have a 366 day year. ythe minutes add and make another day(those are the years wich are multiples of 4).
but my question is, the day lasts 23:56:x but the clock has a 1Hz freqyency.
i am also thinking of the mecanial ones too.
so maybe someone has the answer.
The period of time the earth takes to rotate on its axis, we have divided into 24hours and these are divided into minutes and seconds.

The problem which you see is because the period of earth rotation round the sun is not an exact multiple of that - it is in 365 and a quarter days. Because it is not a whole number we have to have a leap year. That does not affect the 24hour day, though.

Don't forget that they had to introduce a 'Leap Second' in 2000 to make sure the atomic clock was correct.
hey, probem solved!!!
the day lasts 24h. but the period of rotation is 23:56:04, but in a day the earth turns around the sun just enough to increase the the day duration to (as i calculated) 23:59:59.9, so 24h. i guess this was not a matter of electronoics, but it was a nice subject because i lost a few hours of sleep.
if anyone interested i will post the calculations too.
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