Hey all;
I'm getting very close to completing my first PIC program. My design calls for 2 different time delays - 1 for debouncing (10ms) and 1 to control a mute function (2ms). The 2 never run at the same time (at least I don't think they do), so is it OK to use the same register for both counters?
Here's a sample of my code (16F737):
; Counter locations
dbcount equ 0x21h
dc1 equ 0x22h
; debounce switch down
db_down movlw 0x0d ;max count = 10ms/768us = 13 = 0x0d
movwf dbcount
clrf dc1 ;reset dc1
dn_dly incfsz dc1,f ;delay 256x3 = 768us
goto dn_dly
btfsc portb,7 ;if button up (RB7 hi),
goto db_down ; restart count
decfsz dbcount,f ;else repeat until max count is reached
goto dn_dly
bsf porta,6 ;turn mute on
movlw b'01101001'
movwf portc ;turn comp and delay on
bsf porta,5 ;output hi RA5 - vb off
bsf porta,7 ;output hi RA7 - lead channel on
call mutedelay ;mute for 2ms
bcf porta,6 ;turn mute off
; debounce switch up
db_up movlw 0x0d ;max count = 10ms/768us = 13 = 0x0d
movwf dbcount
clrf dc1 ;reset dc1
up_dly incfsz dc1,f ;delay 256x3 = 768us
goto up_dly
btfss portb,7 ;if button down (RB7 lo),
goto db_up ; restart count
decfsz dbcount,f ;else repeat until max count is reached
goto up_dly
goto switch ;check switches again
; mutedelay - 2ms delay
mutedelay movlw 0x03 ;max count = 2ms/768us = 3
movwf dbcount
clrf dc1 ;reset dc1
incfsz dc1,f ;delay 256x3 = 768us
goto up_dly
decfsz dbcount,f ;else repeat until max count is reached
goto up_dly
Sorry everything's so jammed together, but i can't seem to get things spaced properly in the message window.
I'm getting very close to completing my first PIC program. My design calls for 2 different time delays - 1 for debouncing (10ms) and 1 to control a mute function (2ms). The 2 never run at the same time (at least I don't think they do), so is it OK to use the same register for both counters?
Here's a sample of my code (16F737):
; Counter locations
dbcount equ 0x21h
dc1 equ 0x22h
; debounce switch down
db_down movlw 0x0d ;max count = 10ms/768us = 13 = 0x0d
movwf dbcount
clrf dc1 ;reset dc1
dn_dly incfsz dc1,f ;delay 256x3 = 768us
goto dn_dly
btfsc portb,7 ;if button up (RB7 hi),
goto db_down ; restart count
decfsz dbcount,f ;else repeat until max count is reached
goto dn_dly
bsf porta,6 ;turn mute on
movlw b'01101001'
movwf portc ;turn comp and delay on
bsf porta,5 ;output hi RA5 - vb off
bsf porta,7 ;output hi RA7 - lead channel on
call mutedelay ;mute for 2ms
bcf porta,6 ;turn mute off
; debounce switch up
db_up movlw 0x0d ;max count = 10ms/768us = 13 = 0x0d
movwf dbcount
clrf dc1 ;reset dc1
up_dly incfsz dc1,f ;delay 256x3 = 768us
goto up_dly
btfss portb,7 ;if button down (RB7 lo),
goto db_up ; restart count
decfsz dbcount,f ;else repeat until max count is reached
goto up_dly
goto switch ;check switches again
; mutedelay - 2ms delay
mutedelay movlw 0x03 ;max count = 2ms/768us = 3
movwf dbcount
clrf dc1 ;reset dc1
incfsz dc1,f ;delay 256x3 = 768us
goto up_dly
decfsz dbcount,f ;else repeat until max count is reached
goto up_dly
Sorry everything's so jammed together, but i can't seem to get things spaced properly in the message window.