2 days off for st Andrews day!!

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i get two days off now for st andrews day!! how cool is that, one day for the actual day then the school is having a inset day friday!!! so long weekend on my project
Have fun, and thanks for mentioning it. It made me look it up. I was aware of its importance in Scotland, but not in other countries. Wikipedia has a discussion of some of the traditions associated with it. Here one for Austria:
In some areas in Austria, young women would drink wine and then perform a spell, called Andreasgebet (Saint Andrew's prayer), while nude and kicking a straw bed. This was supposed to magically attract the future husband.

In the US, we are on the eve of our Thanksgiving day. It is one of our biggest holidays. Traditionally, the day after TG day ("Black Friday") is the first day of shopping for the Christmas season. Competition has, unfortunately, moved that shopping day to TG itself.

thanks giving is a big holiday over there and i like the whole family thing of it so happy holidays to you all! enjoy the turkey
thanks giving is a big holiday over there and i like the whole family thing of it so happy holidays to you all! enjoy the turkey

Last year I did a brine. This year I'm doing a Science Brine……Alton Brown Food Network.

I didn't know why it worked or why and now I do. I think this is the best way to prepare a turkey.

He also has some Videos on how to cook a turkey worth watching.

Hi killivolt,

I have put some thought into the video you posted. While I am generally turned off by a glib YouTube, I don't think it is magic. First, remember the muscle cells are dead, so they do not have active transport to maintain the normal ratio of intracellular potassium (high) to extracellular potassium (relatively quite low). Second, the cell membranes still act as semipermeable membranes. Thus, small molecules, such as sodium and potassium pass freely back and forth, but larger molecules, such as proteins do not. The solution described is slightly hyperosmotic in sodium and relatively low in potassium and protein. Sodium and potassium will equilibrate. I personally think sodium chloride tastes better than potassium chloride. So, taste is improved. Second, and most important from the moisture standpoint, proteins do not pass the cell membranes, but are osmotically active. Thus, moisture is taken in to reach a point of osmotic equilibrium on both sides of the cell membrane.

You might ask, why not use pure water? That would certainly add moisture, but would lack the good taste of salt (NaCl).

My TG meal was almost a disaster. The two men I let on hunt on my property usually give me a turkey for TG. This year, it was a 16-pounder (They both got 10-pointers during bow season). I did not have a roasting pan big enough for it, but didn't realize that until about noon. I refuse to go shopping on TG day -- there should be one holiday a year for everyone, IMHO, except NFL players. So, I dissected it into breast and thigh/leg, which were cooked separately. They turned out OK. The color is not great in this picture. The little muffins are a soft corn muffins from a Chi-Chi mix and are more yellow. I made a flan for dessert.

Hope you had a wonderful day with your family,

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Yes, I have had a very good day, Thank you.

The wine is a very nice touch, it all looks very delicious, I'm jealous

I hear a wild turkey is better, I've never had one. Plus, shooting it with a bow means your not spitting out pellets I hate that, while growing up we went hunting so much it was ridiculous. I have also processes more birds than I care to think about. If you know what I'm talking about, while chewing you find a pellet and spit it out (Ca-Ting onto the plate with feathers attached - Yuck.)

Me and my Wife go with my father and brother to Chuck-A-Rama. Then the Family all gathers on Saturday to eat the TG bird, this one is raised by a friend at work. Their kids do State Fair competitions and afterward they have them processesed, she gets some in 35 pound range, this one is only 18pounds and was the smallest.

I really didn't understand the process of brining since the first time was last year, your explanation I had to google a bit (hyperosmotic) Now I get the function. I didn't do anything with the Turkey as yet, still in the brin. He has a couple more videos on cooking the Turkey, of course I don't have an electronic probe with a wire that sets outside the oven. He doesn't like repeated opening the oven door. I'll have one next year, I'll just do it as always a cooking bag, it seems ok, I can probe without loosing heat and moisture, I'm lucky to have a self cleaning oven, it's well insulated so no cold spots. Even Temps over the cooking time.

I hope you have a very good TG as well.

Enjoy that wine, I can almost taste it

The wine is a carmenere from Chile. They are a lot like merlot, but a much better value in the US. John
Lamb is my favorite meat. Skink obviously means something different from what I initially thought. Nevertheless, sounds good. John
Lamb is my favorite meat. Skink obviously means something different from what I initially thought. Nevertheless, sounds good. John

I cannot seem to get my family to eat Lamb? I enjoy it, but I won't do it because they won't eat it? Happy Andrews Day the 30th of November

Edit: I would try the Skink if it was fresh.
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