16f777 Oscillator config Question

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Well-Known Member
Hiya Guy's,
I'm working on a project using a 16f777 pic mainly as it has 3 pwn modules and last night I noticed on the datasheet it also has an internal programmable oscillator upto 8 mhz. Now for the question I'm using mplab 7.10 which gives me the window to set the config bits in which I set the osc to INTRC as Port I/O. But on reading the datasheet I need to set the OSCCON register to 01101110 to set it to 4 mhz. Now this is where I'm confused :shock: do I set the OSCCON register at the start of the program or in the header file. As this is a new chip I haven't found any code on the net using this pic to use as a guide. If anyone can help out on this sticky point I have I'll be greatfull.

Cheers Bryan
Because OSCCON is a part of RAM space and INTOSC is run-time configurable you have to set it in code (startup routine), something like:
	MOVLW	b'01110000'
will work (this code is for 18F2620)
Thanks for that Jay I was just looking on the microchip forum and some bloke had the same problem with a 16f88. So it looks like the 16f777 would be the same so that will avoid one problem when I decide to use my 16f88's. I'll check where the OSCCON register is in the memory so I won't have a bank switching problem if it aint one page 1.

Cheers Bryan
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